Busy Cornwall ~ Moyclare
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Elizabeth Henslowe writes Blue Waterfall The azalea Rhododendron augustinii forms a blue waterfall between Pieris formosa 'Wakehurst' and the earlier flowering Pieris japonica. This area was planted in 1953 and is home to a particularly striking lipstick-pink coloured Rhododendron 'Winsome' and many fine camellias such as the rareish white Camellia campsii 'alba' (now propagated by and available from The Duchy of Cornwall Nurseries). Also of note is the bright pink Camellia saluensis from the Salween River Valley in West Yunnan in China.
Busy Cornwall ~ Moyclare Garden
Photo Album
Site hosted by High View and prepared with Xara software
Elizabeth Henslowe writes Blue Waterfall The azalea Rhododendron augustinii forms a blue waterfall between Pieris formosa 'Wakehurst' and the earlier flowering Pieris japonica. This area was planted in 1953 and is home to a particularly striking lipstick-pink coloured Rhododendron 'Winsome' and many fine camellias such as the rareish white Camellia campsii 'alba' (now propagated by and available from The Duchy of Cornwall Nurseries). Also of note is the bright pink Camellia saluensis from the Salween River Valley in West Yunnan in China.
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